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What Are Parenting Plans?

When facing divorce or legal separation, 父母必须处理子女的监护和探视安排. This is quite complicated, 因为父母双方通常都需要并希望与他们的孩子保持bet9九州体育登录线路和互动. 然而, 父母双方不可能每天都亲自照顾孩子. 育儿计划是父母双方就子女的实际监护权和法定监护权达成的法律协议, as well as visitation, 孩子的抚养费, 健康保险, 学校教育, and other common issues.

If you need a parenting plan, Church Langdon Lopp Banet Law 你有经验和知识来帮助你找到一个最符合孩子利益的解决方案吗, while also protecting your parenting rights.

Who Needs Parenting Plans?

Parenting plans are for parents who:

  • 已经同意离婚,并需要计划离婚后继续抚养孩子的方式
  • Are filing for legal separation and need a plan for the kids
  • 没有结婚,想要确保育儿时间和探视安排得到保障.

If you are in one of these categories, 父母协议对你和你的孩子都是重要的保护. 

A Parenting Agreement Protects the Best Interests of Children

When drafting a parenting agreement, one of the most important considerations is what is best for the kids. 法院倾向于这样一种假设,即平等监护符合孩子们的最大利益. 有时, it’s best for the kids to continue having bet9九州体育登录线路 with both of their parents, while living primarily with one. This means giving primary physical custody to one parent, but ensuring legal custody and visitation is protected for the other parent. 

然而,在涉及虐待或忽视的情况下,这些可能不是最好的情况. 我们CLLB律师事务所的团队可以帮助家长深入挖掘他们的选择,找到一个符合孩子最大利益的协议, while also protecting their rights to remain in the picture as parents.

Key Parts of a Coparenting Agreement

一份育儿协议有许多不同的部分,父母必须讨论并达成一致. 我们的 team is here to assist with these discussions. Some of these key parts include the following.

Custody of the Children

Determining custody is more complicated than you may think. You need to think of the practicalities, like where the child will live. The legalities are important, 太, 包括哪一位家长将为孩子做出重要的法律和财务决定. 

有时,父母中的一方会有单独的监护权,这让父母有充分的能力做决定. 大多数时候, the two parents will have joint custody, meaning they try to make decisions together and cooperate. Other arrangements are possible, 太. 

我们的 child custody attorneys 能帮助协商这些决定,保护你和孩子们的权利吗. 


法院的目标是让孩子与父母双方在一起的时间基本相等. Often, though, one parent will have primary physical custody. 然而, 这并不一定意味着父母会把所有的时间都花在孩子身上. 而不是, 另一方也会有机会在自己家里接待孩子. 该计划甚至可能会规定孩子们与父母双方在一起过夜的特定次数.

因此,一个 探视时间 will need to be set up to ensure the children have time with the other parent, as well as how holidays will be split between the two homes. 这个时间表还需要考虑到孩子们将如何度过暑假和其他学校的休息时间. If either parent works, the 探视时间 may also need to address how child care will look, ensuring the kids are safe.

Child Support Requirement

印第安纳州’s 孩子的抚养费 rules and guidelines 具体说明子女抚养费是如何运作的,但计算仍然可能相当复杂. 我们的 孩子的抚养费 lawyers 可以帮助你了解这个过程应该如何进行,以及你或另一方父母将为孩子支付什么样的费用. Determining a fair amount for support payments can be highly emotional, but you can count on us to work toward the best possible outcome. 

Enforcing the payment of support is challenging as well. A parenting plan should address the enforcement aspect.

Health Insurance and Health Decisions

Who will pay for your child’s insurance? 潜在的, 即使你的孩子通过工作在父母一方的健康保险计划下, 另一方父母可能需要为健康保险支付一些钱. Should you end up with medical bills that insurance doesn’t cover, a parenting plan may address how the two parents will split these costs. 

Additionally, which parent will make medical decisions when needed? 共同监护, the two of you will need to come to an agreement on medical care decisions, unless there’s an emergency situation occurring. Your parenting plan should address all of these items in detail.


Transportation for Visitation

If you and the other parent will be living far apart, 你的育儿计划应该说明你将如何把孩子从一个家送到另一个家进行探视.

在很多情况下, 接下来和孩子们在一起的父母负责支付交通费用和安排交通. 然而, you as the parents may decide that another system works better for you. 有些夫妻关系不太好,甚至想安排第三方或中立地点接送.

Regardless of what you choose to do, 关于运输的细节应该是共同抚养协议的一部分.


College savings plans can be complex to manage in the midst of a divorce. For one of the most popular savings plans, 叫做529计划, only one person has the power to withdraw from it, although both parents can contribute and watch for transactions on the account. Your plan can specify how contributions will work. 

If you are struggling to trust your spouse’s financial decisions, giving your spouse control of the 529 account can be nerve wracking. 在这种情况下,父母双方可能都想为每个孩子管理自己的529账户.

If you choose to stick with one account, 也有可能你需要让没有监护权的父母有权退出, while allowing the custodial parent to apply for financial aid for the kids. 这种安排有助于最大限度地减少监护父母可用于支付大学费用的资产. 我们的 family law mediation attorneys can provide key advice when making these decisions.


不时地,你需要与另一方父母分享关于孩子的重要信息. How will this be handled? What information will you be required to always share?

通常,你不需要与另一方分享每一条信息,比如一个新的爱好. 然而,医疗、宗教和学校教育信息将被要求共享. 

通常, 你们彼此分享的信息越多,你们对孩子们的情况就越诚实, the better your parenting plan will work. But if you don’t trust the other parent to share information, 分享信息的要求应该是育儿协议的一部分.

The Details Matter in Parenting Plans

如你所见,亲子协议不仅仅是监护权协议. There are many factors that must be considered, and you will need skilled guidance to ensure you are making the right choices, both for yourself and for your child.

信任 离婚律师 在CLLB Law为您提供所需的支持和指导,帮助您成功地制定出对双方和孩子都有效的育儿计划.

Handling Parenting Plans with Compassion and Sensitivity

不幸的是, divorce and separation can be highly emotional, and children keenly feel the stress of these times. When you partner with Church Langdon Lopp Banet Law, 你会受益于富有同情心的律师,他们会敏感地处理你的案件. We treat our family law clients with respect and discretion. 我们总是把您的最大利益和您孩子的最大利益放在心上.

如果你需要帮助起草一个养育计划,将适当地保护你的孩子, call (812) 725-8226 today.




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