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At 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳, nothing gives us more satisfaction than being able 帮助 a family grow through adoption. We understand the joys and complexities of the adoption process and find it very rewarding to be able 帮助 unite loving parents with children through adoption. We are also very familiar with the excitement and complications that can accompany adoption by a stepparent.

不管你考虑的是哪种收养方式, 如果你将来要领养的话, schedule a consultation to discuss it by calling 812-725-8224 or filling out 我们的网上表格.


There are many choices to be made at the outset of adoption, 比如你要收养的孩子的特点, 你将如何找到这个孩子, 以及是公开收养还是封闭式收养. Some people feel strongly about wanting a child of a certain gender, 比赛, 种族, or age. 原因各不相同, but some people may just feel more comfortable with particular qualities while others want the challenge of a child with a different background or want an older child. Determining the type of child you are prepared to raise will help you figure out the best type of adoption to pursue. For example, if you want a baby, then you will likely have more success pursuing a private adoption. If you want an older child, you might be better off adopting from foster care. 国际收养的过程可能非常漫长, but also can offer a degree of predictability that is not part of private or foster child adoptions.

It is also important to consider how much information you want to have about the birth parents and how much access you want them to have to the child after the adoption is completed.

公开收养, the birth parents continue to have direct bet9九州体育登录线路 with the child after the adoption. 半公开收养, information about the child is shared with the birth parents, but there is no substantial amount of personal bet9九州体育登录线路 after the adoption. 在秘密收养中, only non-identifying information about the birth parents is made available, 其他信息都是保密的. 非识别信息包括, 在其他事实中, 被收养时的年龄, 种族, 比赛, 教育程度, 宗教, 以及健康史. Not all of this information will necessarily be available, 虽然在收养时, you will likely receive a family history/background report. If you are interested in an open adoption or a semi-open adoption relationship, you should consult with an attorney to ensure your interests and those of your newly adopted child are protected.


收养建立了合法的亲子关系, and any resident of 印第安纳州 may file a petition for adoption. You must be able to show that you have sufficient ability to raise the child and that you can provide suitable support and education. 如果你已婚,你的配偶必须加入请愿. There are no restrictions against single LGBT individuals or same-sex couples who wish to adopt. Petitions can be filed with the probate court where you live, 孩子住在哪里, 或者收养机构的所在地.

Once filed, notice of the petition must be given to any interested parties. The biological parent or parents must either voluntarily consent to the adoption or, 如果满足某些因素, the court may order a relinquishment of their parental rights. State law also requires a background check and a home study, which assesses your family situation and your fitness as a prospective adoptive parent. The judge will then review all the supporting documentation, 在回顾的基础上提出问题, 然后批准或拒绝收养. On average, most adoptions are finalized within a year from the day the child is placed in your home.


Being a stepparent is often full of the same rewards and challenges as being a biological parent. 从法律的角度来看, stepparents who adopt their stepchildren stand in place of the non-custodial biological parent and take over financial and legal responsibility for the child. If you are a stepparent interested in adopting your spouse’s child, the advice of an 印第安纳州 stepparent adoption lawyer can be invaluable, because there are specific steps that must be taken in order for the adoption to be successful.

一般来说,当a 离婚了 父母再婚, the consent of the child’s biological father or mother must be obtained before the stepparent can adopt the child. However, there are some circumstances where the consent requirement can be waived. 在以下情况下,印第安纳州允许这样的豁免:

  • The noncustodial parent has been judged by a court to have abandoned the child for more than six months.
  • The noncustodial parent has failed to support the child for more than one year or failed to make court-ordered child-support payments.
  • The noncustodial parent has failed to significantly communicate with the child for more than one year.
  • 无监护权的父母不适合抚养孩子.

In the case of stepparent adoption, it is also possible to petition for a waiver of the home study. 背景调查仍然必须完成.


无论你的处境如何,无论你对未来的希望如何, 新奥尔巴尼号, IN, adoption lawyers at 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 can help. We understand the issues and can guide you through the adoption process, 无论你选择哪种类型. We will work closely with you and help you make the best decisions possible. We have worked with many families, and we look forward to working with yours. For skilled and knowledgeable representation, bet9九州体育登录线路 us by calling 812-725-8224 or filling out 我们的网上表格. 总部设在新奥尔巴尼, 印第安纳州, we proudly serve communities throughout Kentuckiana; Floyd County, IN; and Clark County, IN.


We invite you to bet9九州体育登录线路 our offices to schedule a consultation to discuss your legal concerns.

Discover why so many businesses and individuals have come to rely on our trusted advice and proven advocacy.


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