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正如谚语所说,当你死的时候,你不能把它带走. Someone else has to deal with your property, often a friend or family member. 然而, if you are in Jeffersonville, an 印第安纳州 probate attorney can help you. Probate attorneys take charge of assisting non-lawyer clients in fulfilling their roles as estate executors, 代表, 或管理员. 通常,这个过程可能非常简单,也可能非常复杂. 这完全取决于你在死前计划得有多好. 我们Jeffersonville probate attorney can help regardless of the estate’s complexity or simplicity.


如果这是你第一次处理你所爱的人的财产, 你可能不确定是否有必要聘请杰斐逊遗嘱认证律师. 通常, 建议遗产代表和遗嘱执行人聘请遗嘱认证律师, 虽然没有法律要求你找遗嘱认证律师. 然而, 得到一个可能对你最有利, 考虑到遗嘱认证过程可能会变得复杂. To determine whether a professional Jeffersonville probate attorney will be necessary, 你可能需要考虑以下几点:

  • 你转让的资产可以在没有遗嘱认证的情况下进行分配吗?
  • 你们州的法律有多复杂?
  • 有什么有争议的受益人吗?
  • What is the size of the assets to be distributed, and are there complex assets?
  • Does the deceased have outstanding debts, and are the assets enough to pay them off?
  • 有信托或遗嘱吗? 要么都有,要么都没有?


当一个人死去, 他们的财产必须支付, following the state laws and directions they gave in their will before passing away. If the deceased left a will, it should be proven valid before the court and admitted. The courts use intestacy laws to determine the assets’ distribution if there is no will.  The disbursement is the 遗嘱认证过程 and requires a probate lawyer’s skillful guidance. It’s always best to work with 经验d probate attorneys in Jeffersonville, IN, 我们可以帮助你每一步.

Our attorneys’ 经验 spans more than 25 years of commitment and devotion 帮助ing clients with 遗嘱认证流程. We understand that clients need advisors they can trust when faced with legal complexities, and we are committed to assisting them to solve their problems as quickly as possible. We offer a detailed and compelling representation of facts for all legal considerations. 如果发生诉讼, our Jeffersonville probate lawyers can still provide representation and the resources necessary 帮助 bring your case to the most satisfactory settlement.

为什么Church Langdon Lopp Banet是你的最佳选择

在遗嘱认证过程中导航并不总是一件容易的事情. You need a deep understanding of the state’s specific laws, procedures, and rules. If you have been appointed as an executor or are in a way involved in a 遗嘱认证过程 in 印第安纳州, 彻奇·兰登·洛普·巴内特是你最好的选择.

At CLLB, we present you with a team of trusted advisors and proven advocates in 印第安纳州. We pride ourselves on years of 经验 providing our clients with legal assistance in a wide range of practice areas, 包括:

  • “遗产规划及长者法
  • 家庭法
  • 房地产
  • 人身伤害
  • 商业与就业
  • 刑事辩护
  • 争议解决.

我们是印第安纳州领先的律师事务所,曾帮助过杰出人士, 企业, 学校, 城市通过调解和诉讼. 我们的律师有知识, 经验, and understanding of 印第安纳州’s family and estate laws 帮助 you have a smooth 遗嘱认证过程.

我们致力于帮助客户尽快解决问题, 您可以依靠我们为您的遗产规划和遗嘱认证过程. Our attorneys understand that an estate plan is one of the greatest gifts you can leave for your loved ones, 我们可以根据您的具体需求帮助您制定独特的计划. 今天就打(812)725-8224给我们.


一份全面的遗产计划可以包括一系列文件, 对大多数遗嘱执行人来说,遗产规划是一项艰巨的任务. Most envision unfamiliar legal jargon and bundles of papers that take hours to prepare. The number of documents you may need depends on aspects such as the size of the assets, 受益人人数, 以及你所处环境的独特因素. 以下是可能包括的一些文件:

  • 财务授权书
  • 可撤销生前信托
  • 身份证明文件
  • 命名的执行者
  • 预先医疗指示
  • 意向书
  • 业权及物业契约
  • 财务账户信息
  • 数码密码及登入资料
  • 保险政策
  • 葬礼的指令
  • 专业信托
  • 受益人名称
  • 未成年人监护指定.

Allow 我们Jeffersonville, IN, Probate Lawyers to Prepare the Documents for You

If you have all the estate planning documents you need for a smooth 遗嘱认证过程, 你应该确保把它们放在一个安全方便的地方. 你也可以与受益人分享必要的文件. 我们Jeffersonville, IN, probate attorneys can help you prepare for the eventual distribution of your estate and ensure that the process is streamlined for your executors.


What is the difference between a probate attorney and an estate planning lawyer?

A probate attorney deals with the administration of assets once the owner is deceased. 另一方面, 遗产规划律师与在世的客户打交道, 帮助他们规划他们的财产, 例如, 起草遗嘱和其他法律文件.


如果你在找杰斐逊维尔的遗嘱认证律师, 你可以在咨询中询问一系列问题. 其中包括:

  • 他们是否是遗嘱认证法的专家
  • 他们打算向你收取多少bet9九州体育登录费
  • 他们打算在你的情况下遵循什么程序
  • 他们在为别人办理遗嘱认证方面的经验是什么.


There are many things that 一个Jeffersonville probate lawyer can accomplish, 包括:

  • 鉴别房地产资产
  • 遗产分配
  • 准备和归档法庭文件
  • 访问和管理遗产账户
  • 还清账单和债务.


The estate distribution proceeds following the statutes of intestate succession in 印第安纳州.


关于遗嘱认证、遗产规划和老年法律问题,有很多需要了解的.  That’s why choosing the right Jeffersonville probate lawyer to handle your estate planning needs is essential. 提前计划是你送给幸存家庭成员的一份美丽的礼物. 在你离开之后, they will be able to enjoy the precious memories of a well-lived life rather than be anxious and frustrated by a disorganized estate. Understandably, people don’t like to think about end-of-life issues, but it’s wise to do so.  Planning allows you to converse with your spouse and heirs while you’re still healthy, 解释你的欲望和理由, 回答他们的问题. 这样可以避免你死后的困惑和伤害.

并不是所有杰斐逊维尔的遗嘱认证律师都是平等的.  有些人比其他人有更多的经验、训练、洞察力和技能.  Our estate and elder law attorneys at Church Langdon Lopp Banet have decades of 经验 and thoroughly understand 印第安纳州 probate law.  花点时间读读他们的 律师bios 想知道他们为什么这么优秀.  你也可以阅读 奖状 from satisfied clients who speak to the quality of the legal services we provide.  我们邀请你去见杰弗逊维尔家的人, IN, probate lawyer at our office and find out how we can help – whether you have a simple probate matter to resolve or want to create an entire estate planning portfolio.


If you are living in Jeffersonville and have questions about probate or need assistance drafting a will or an entire estate plan, the probate attorneys at Church Langdon Lopp Banet would be happy to meet with you.  We enjoy getting to know our clients and discovering their unique family needs.  Whether you have many children and grandchildren or are just starting out in your adult life, 一个Jeffersonville, IN, 遗嘱认证律师可以帮助你规划未来.

另一方面, if a loved one has died intestate and you’re knee-deep in 印第安纳州’s confusing 遗嘱认证过程, 我们可以帮忙, 太.  无论您有什么法律需求,我们都愿意为您bet9九州体育登录.  你不必独自完成遗嘱认证程序.  今天就打(812)725-8224给我们.


加里在印第安纳州和肯塔基州都有执业律师执照. 他专注于遗产规划, 遗产及信托管理, 遗产及信托诉讼, 监护, 老年人法和特殊需求规划. 加里赢得了他的J。.D. 来自路易斯维尔大学,路易斯D. Brandeis School of Law, and formerly practiced law at Bingham Greenebaum Doll and Wyatt, Tarrant & 库姆斯. [ 律师生物 ]


We invite you to bet9九州体育登录线路 our offices to schedule a consultation to discuss your legal concerns.

Discover why so many 企业 and individuals have come to rely on our trusted advice and proven advocacy.